Arctic Foxtrot. And more...

Aviation brings people together. In 2017, when Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday, aviation unites the country by bringing the technology and inspiration of airshows to the most remote areas of the country - where people have never seen anything like this in their lives. With 97 airshows North of the 60th parallel, EVERYBODY will have a chance to celebrate Canada's 150. Official website: This is a blog of Anna Serbinenko, the only Canadian female aerobatic performer, embarking on this once-in-a-lifetime journey.
Three years later. I have travelled, explored, discovered, dared, fell down, got up, did it again, achieved, conquered, enjoyed, loved, remembered, lived... So many experiences are just too grand to keep them to yourself. So i decided to revive and keep up this blog with sporadic postings. Subscribe to get notified about the new articles!

Day 1 - It's a War!


February 24, 2022. 4am. It’s still a bit chilly, just below freezing. But no rain or snow today, just some clouds. The city is sleepy, and the first cars start moving - early morning delivery and bakery workers. Someone comes back home from a late party. Someone is just leaving the hospital after their night shift working. Kids are finishing up their last morning dreams before having to wake up for school….

And then…. An incredibly loud and very much off-place sound wakes up the city. It’s the first war strike at the peaceful city. Dreams are not interrupted – they are shattered. Now there is “before” and “after”. Now it is WAR. 

I am not going to retell you the news – we are all on an information overload from all sides. This is MY journey, my war story, my experience of this war – which hopefully be an encouragement or inspiration for someone else too.

Join me. Regardless of who you are – Ukrainian, Canadian, American, German or French. Or even Russian. As long as you condemn the violence, the injustice, the war atrocities and the genocide happening all over Ukraine. As long as you want to help – even if it is just by sharing a post, coming to a protest or smiling to a Ukrainian refugee arriving to your country.


And together, we will win.

Slava Ukraini!


Day 7 - I’ve Lost People