Arctic Foxtrot. And more...

Aviation brings people together. In 2017, when Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday, aviation unites the country by bringing the technology and inspiration of airshows to the most remote areas of the country - where people have never seen anything like this in their lives. With 97 airshows North of the 60th parallel, EVERYBODY will have a chance to celebrate Canada's 150. Official website: This is a blog of Anna Serbinenko, the only Canadian female aerobatic performer, embarking on this once-in-a-lifetime journey.
Three years later. I have travelled, explored, discovered, dared, fell down, got up, did it again, achieved, conquered, enjoyed, loved, remembered, lived... So many experiences are just too grand to keep them to yourself. So i decided to revive and keep up this blog with sporadic postings. Subscribe to get notified about the new articles!

Day 25 - Dedicating My Airshows to Ukraine

Since the first days of the way my regret that that… I was not MIG-29 type rated. But then I thought maybe I can do even better

Many people in Canada and the United States want to help, but don’t know where and how. Many people come to airshows, admire the technology and skill – wishing it was used to save lives. Maybe now it can!

It started with talking to airshow producers. The Truckee Tahoe Airshow (California) responded first, and in exchange for a significant cut of my performer’s fees they agreed to run a fundraiser for Ukraine. 

When I contacted the Olympic Airshow – WOW! – Brian was already halfway through repainting his L-39in Ukrainian colors.☺


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More to come. 

I personally am dedicating my airshow season 2022 to Ukraine and OUR victory over the war, aggression, injustice, hate and destruction. Let the Peace and Truth prevail.



Day 31 - What are YOU Doing?
Day 20 - Do What You Can